One of my bestest friends of my life got married one week ago today. Rhonda has had a difficult, crazy, fun, challenging, sad, love-filled discovery of her self and her life the past dozen or so years. She came to the self aware, self loving, thump on the head realization that she is gay. I think God wanted her to discover her true self when she did so she could have the children she had and I now think the same of her partner, Michele and her three children.
So there they are -- a Brady Bunch for a new generation. A generation that has hopefully learned to speak more from love than from fear. A generation that hopefully will learn that all people were created in God's image to create the greatest version of themselves that God intended for us to. Hopefully.
I'm proud of Kay (my nickname for Rhonda) and The Professor (my nickname for Michele as she is on the track to securing her PhD and become a professor - go her!!). I'm proud because they found it important to invite the 60 people they love and cherish to come and celebrate with them as they announce and profess their commitment, desire, and belief in each other and their partnership in love. Take that Wisconsin and your "laws".
Because really, isn't that what it is REALLY all about? Isn't what we have found for another human being beyond anything written down as a law or rule or jurisdiction? Does your heart listen to what others tell you? Not if you lead with love.
And Rhonda always, always does. She ALWAYS leads with love. She has for the 29 years that I have been friends with her and she never waivers from her stand. For me, a good day is the day that we all understand how much better HER stand is than where we are currently planting our feet. For me, her stand for love is nothing short of beautiful. As for me, I always have and I always will stand with her.